Volunteer Commitment & Activities To Date
- Historical and cultural research
- Liaison with Provincial Government
- Obtain community support and approvals
- Municipal and Provincial permits and approvals
- Foundation and registration of non-profit Society and
creation of philanthropic program
- Created partnership with A.S.R.P.W
- Program component approvals, including tax benefits
and sponsorship levels
- Creation and publication of literature and promotional
materials, including press conferences
- Fund-raising individual, corporate and government
- Market research and impact studies
- Guided tours and open houses
- Renovation estimates and Budgets
- Administrative support
- Professional support in architectural design, etc.
- Commitment for future project support
- Larry and Mitzie Wasyliw, 1999 Calgary Citizens
of the Year
Community Endorsements
"He has proven to us he is a professional, a man of high integrity, and puts his clients above else."
- Kathline Macrae
"The fact that you stand out from many fine men and women in our community is a testament to contributions you have made to bring recognition to our great city and to improving the quality of life for your fellow citizens. I join all Calgarians in expressing a deep sense of pride in your accomplishments and heartfelt thanks, for all you have contributed to our community."
- Christine Silverberg, Calgary Police Services, Chief of Police
"Through many hours of concentrated time and dedicated effort, you have contributed to the enrichment of Calgary's history and Calgarians' enjoyment of Fish Creek Provincial Park. I applaud you for a job well done. You are model citizens that all Calgarians can emulate and I am very proud of the both of you and your accomplishment."
- Heather Forsyth, MLA, Calgary Fish Creek
Restoration of the Grounds and Gardens at Historical Bow Valley Ranche located on Fish Creek Provincial Park. It is very rewarding to know that people like you are working together in the spirit of our National Millenium theme. "Sharing the memory, sharing the dream".
- Honorable Herb Grey, Deputy Prime Minister of Canada
315 Deercliff Rd. SE. Calgary, Alberta T2J 5K6
Phone: (403) 233-7717 Fax: (403) 233-7714
Email: larry@wildwestrealty.com
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