All images click
to enlarge
Tail Blazers |
Village Square Plaza |
Costume Shoppe |
Aluminum Planet |
DLS Imagery |
A-Class Limousine |
Dunfield-Kindersley |
Bridgeland Medical Building |
Dr. Bleau |
1011 - 1st
Street SW |
Mayland Office Block |
3016 - 5th Avenue NE |
Aspen Family Services |
4303 - 11 Street SE |
11400 - 27 St. SE. |
Flo-Crest Equipment |
Amclean Cleaning Supplies |
Coachway Gardens |
Fish Creek
Villas |
Raddison Villas |
Turks & Caicos Island |
Elbow Country Estates |
Rocky Ridge |
Tail Blazers
Village Square Plaza Airdrie - 44,222 sq ft
- Project Co-ordination
- Marketing / Leasing
The Costume Shoppe
- Retail Site Relocation
- Lease Negotiations
Aluminum Planet
- Site Selection
- Lease Negotiation
D.L.S Imagery
- Site Selection
- Budget Management
- Land Acquisition
- Building Improvement Budget
- Building Sale
A-Class Limousine
- Site Selection & Acquistion
- Subdivision
Bridgeland Medical Building -
30,000 sq ft
- Property Management
- Tenant Improvement Co-ordination
- Leasing Marketing
Dr. Bleau
- Site Selection
- Land Acquisition
1011 - 1st Street SW - 50,000 sq ft
- Sales
- Marketing and Leasing
Mayland Office Block - 325,000 sq ft
- Marketing / Leasing
- Tenant Co-ordination
3016 - 5th Avenue NE - 71,000 sq ft
- Sales/Leasing/Tenant Co-ordination
Aspen Family Services
- Site Selection
- Lease Negotiation
- Tenant Allowance Negotiation
4303 - 11 Street SE - 12,120 sq ft
- Site Selection
- Building Acquisition
11400 - 27 St. SE.
Site selection and Acquisition
Flo-Crest Equipment
- Site Selection
- Lease Negotiation
Fitz Contract Flooring
- Site Selection
- Lease Negotiation
Amclean Cleaning Supplies
- Site Selection
- Lease Negotiation
Coachway Gardens
- 102 Unit Condo Townhouse Development
- Marketing
- Lease Negotiation
Fish Creek Villas
- 70 Unit Condo Townhouse
- Marketing
- Budget Preparation
- Sales
Raddison Villas
- 24 Unit Condo Townhouse
- Sales
- Marketing Plan and Budget
Turks & Caicos Island
Soho Suites
- 33 Unit Condo Project
- Site Selection
- Marketing Plan and Budget
- Sales
15th Ave. - 1st St. SW - The Chocolate- Site Selection
- Land Acquisition
click images to enlarge |
Elbow Country Estates - 503 acres
- Site Analysis
- Site Acquisition
Rocky Ridge - 112 Unit Senior Project
Bow Valley Ranche
- Complete Restoration
- Project Management
- Fundraising
- Cost/Budget Controls
- Provincial/Municipal/Federal Liaison
- Historical Designation Approvals
315 Deercliff Rd. SE. Calgary, Alberta T2J 5K6
Phone: (403) 233-7717 Fax: (403) 233-7714
Copyright © Wild West Realty Ltd. |